Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sean Click Informational Text: This Bridge will not be Gray by Dave Eggers AMAZING BOOK by an AMAZING AUTHOR ABOUT AN AMAZING BRIDGE

How many times have you crossed the Golden Gate Bridge?   For me the first time was in 2012.  It was simply amazing to use a adjective that is used way too much lately.  I was truly amazed at its size, grandeur and beauty.  It's mind boggling to think this engineering marvel was built in four years during the 1930s.  There have been countless documentaries and accounts of the impetus for building the bridge and the epic engineering feats and construction prowess.   Have you ever wondered why the bridge is the color it is?  I mean why International Orange?  Why wasn't is it  black or gray like every other bridge?  
This is the question Dave Eggers explores in a beautifully simple book of paper cut illustrations by Tucker Nichols.  This Bridge Will Not Be Gray gets to the bottom of the question of why it is International Orange.  In doing so, the reader comes to appreciate the fact that the simplest detail can make the biggest difference in anything one creates.  The book further demonstrates through the telling the story of Golden Gate Bridge color selection that often consensus isn't the best solution to problem solving.  The safest choice is often the worst choice.
This gorgeous book should be read by all, especially all of us who have the privilege to have experienced the splendor of the Golden Gate Bridge in person.  This is a perfect informational text for all ages.  
If you are not familiar with Dave Eggers he is a great author and humanitarian who lives in San Francisco.
He founded 826 National.  "826 National is a nonprofit organization that provides strategic leadership, administration, and other resources to ensure the success of its network of seven writing and tutoring centers. Our mission is based on the understanding that great leaps in learning can happen with individualized attention, and that strong 
writing skills are fundamental to future success."  www.826national.org 
He also founded Voice of Witness, s a non-profit that promotes human rights and dignity by amplifying the voices of people impacted by injustice. Through our oral history book series and education program, we foster a more nuanced, empathy-based understanding of human rights crises.  www.voiceofwitness.org 

1 comment:

  1. Sean, this sounds like an interesting read, as I am a Dave Eggers fan and a fan of the Golden Gate Bridge and local literature! I will request it at the library. Thanks for the recommendation!


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